Infralight Extensions Case Study

The brief

Infralight Extensions is a business based in Limerick, Ireland. They not only sell professional products like brushes, shampoo, conditioner etc., but they also offer a great course for people that want to learn and become an Infralight Certified Salon and attract a whole new client base by offering Infralight extensions in their salon.

Firebrand Digital were approached to give the business a complete new website. For the client, we agreed to install woo-commerce (a WordPress plug-in) and Yoast for SEO to give to the business the perfect kick-start for their online presence. We also agreed on colors, fonts and content so that we could create the website that the owner has always wanted. We helped this client to get 2,500e in funding from their L.E.O. thanks to the Trading Online Voucher scheme.





The website

The website needed to cater for a lot of content, from all the products they sell to the training section. We designed the site using a very feminine style as the client asked, choosing light pink colors and a pink marble as a background for some elements. Videos and images are essential for services like those which what the business offers, therefore we included all the images in a more compelling way to attract more and more customers. 

The video on the homepage creates an immersive experience giving an immediate understanding of what the business is about. Moreover, it also gives the opportunity to immediately understand the quality of the services on offer. 

Consulting & Strategy

Being a start-up, we helped the business to better identify the competitors, by conducting an analysis of the company and where it sits within the market. Working down the funnel across all facets and touch points, we helped to identify the growth opportunities and competitive advantages.

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