Covid Check Case Study

The brief

RocDoc Covid Check was Irelands largest independent covid testing service. With state-of-the-art testing centres located in Dublin, Clare, Cork and Shannon, Ireland. The company was founded in 2020 to fight the pandemic of Covid 19, and quickly became one of the most prestigious and reliable companies with covid test services in Ireland. With more than 1,100+ five star Google reviews, they wanted an entirely new look to their online presence. We provided a comprehensive service 24/7 365 service.

We offered a wide range of services to help them to accomplish their business goals. From a new fresh style for their website, to GDPR, content writing, crisis management etc. Moreover, we shot photo and video content for a range of different placements. We managed CovidChecks digital presence for 18+ months until it closed due to the lack of Covid testing requirements.




The challenge

A variety of research methods were used to conduct qualitative and quantitative user research on RocDoc Health Check customers. Based on the results, we developed final personas around which a strategy could be crafted based on understanding their goals, objectives, motivations, and pain-points. In order to create a frictionless booking experience, we needed to make it easy to find the locations and information about our covid centers. 

The website

The website needed to cater for a lot of content, from all the services they offer, to the updates and other essentials section for a Covid business like FAQ and a detailed description about the services. We designed the site following the new brand guidelines as the client asked, choosing a light blue as a main color with white and light grey colors. 

Essential was the creation of simple but effective graphics to include in the website to assure that all the information were clear and easy to understand. We evolved the old green and dark blue colours into a more contemporary primary colour of light blue. 


RocDoc has several sister companies in the medical and IT industries and we were asked to maintain consistency across all the brands whilst also creating and also allowing for Covid check to be recognisable in its own alright. We designed hundreds of individual graphic projects ranging from social media post, posters, infographics and of course website graphics. 

Before & After

3… 2… 1…. new look!

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